Department on Service Life, Engineering Diagnostics and Repair Technologies of Power Equipment Metal
Main Activities of the Department:
- Evaluation of mechanical features of steels and alloys with creation of deformation curves at the temperatures of 20–950 °C.
- Creep-rupture tests with creation of creep-rupture curves and Larson – Miller parameter curves.
- Creep resistance tests with creation of isochronic creep curves at the temperatures of 600–950 °C. Creation of dependencies of creeping speed on stress at a current stage.
- Heat fatigue tests at different cycles with Тmax up to 1200 °C (with and without holding at Тmax) of flat corset reference specimen in vacuum with monitoring of specimen surface structure and registration of occurring cracks.
- Technical diagnostics of metal in parts and units of operating equipment (dye penetrant inspections, eddy current tests, metallography of replicas, hardness tests).
An example of dye penetrant inspection
An example of structures of metals obtained via metallographic replaces
Main Activities
- Corrosion tests in various media at the temperatures up to 900 °C.
- Finite element evaluation of materials affected by stress strain at constant and cyclically varying temperatures and loads.
- Design evaluation of heat fatigue resistance of discs and blades of GTU with determination of their strength margin.
- Structural research of steels and alloys by digital optical metallography, electronic microscopy, phase and X-ray diffraction analysis, X-ray spectral analysis.
- Research on how strain ageing influences the kinetics of changes in structure, mechanical features, creep rupture strength, creeping, heat fatigue.
- Repair of steam turbine blades on the rotor in a power plant environment.
- Expert investigations in cases of destruction of blades and guide vanes in steam and gas turbines.
- Industrial safety investigations in the event of prolongation of gas turbine service life.
- Assessment of protective coatings according to NPO CKTI method.
- Estimation of speed with which fatigue cracks, creep cracks and heat fatigue cracks will grow.
Work Completed By The Department
- 1. Tom-Usinskaya SDPP (State District Power Plant), Novovoronezh NPP, Kemerovo Regional SDPP.
- Repair of blades on steam turbine rotors in the power plant environment.
- 2. JSC Klimov.
- Research of operability of single-crystal heat-resistant alloys used in turbine blades of helicopter engines under development.
- Optimization of metallurgical technology used in production of blades of HP turbine RD-33MK and its modernization.
- Research of corrosion resistance and heat fatigue resistance of single-crystal alloys ZhS32, VZhM4, VZhM-7, VZhA-21, VZhM5U, VIN.
- 3. UEC Saturn.
- Design of basic material and equipment technologies for combined cycle gas turbines based on high-power gas turbine units:
- design of modern strength standards for stationary GTU parts;
- creation of data base of features of heat-resistant steels and alloys used in gas turbine production;
- development of new methods of non-destructive and destructive testing for evaluation of current condition of coatings and metal of parts and units of GTU after long periods of operation – with the aim to prolongate their service life;
- creation of experimental service life evaluation method for gas turbine blades, which is based on studying the redistribution of elements in the surface layers of various points of blade body after long periods of operation;
- improvement of strength evaluation method for gas turbine blades, which have aligned or polycrystal structure, as well as parts of low-emission combustion chamber, considering the influence of coating system.
- Development of measures aimed to eliminate defects of 1st stage blades on GTD-110:
- optimization of chemical composition of ChS-88U alloy within the limits of alloy certificate;
- comparative metallographic research of 1st and 2nd stage blades;
- metallographic research of defective blades (GTD-110 No. 5 and No. 6)of 1-4 stages of turbine with the aim to confirm the conclusions based on the research of defective blades of GTD-110 No. 3 and No. 4 performed by JSC “VTI”.
- 4. Gasenergoservis LLC.
- Industrial safety test report after prolongation of service life on GTK-10, GTK-10I, GTK-25I gas turbines.
- 5. Gazprom Transgaz Sankt-Peterburg LLC.
- Expert’s conclusions on causes of destruction of pipe sections.