design and engineering pilot studies deliveries simulations process development certification testing. ICEO. pilot cogeneration plant servicing

Authorizations and approvals
Main / Authorizations and approvals

 JSC "NPO CKTI" has licenses and certificates, including:

GOST R ISO 9001-2015 CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM as regards research, development, design, manufacture, tests, installation, commissioning, maintenance and operation of power equipment, as well as activities with impact on the safety of capital construction facilities, including highly dangerous and technically challenging capital construction facilities:

ISO 9001:2015 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CERTIFICATE for research, development, design, production, testing, installation, commissioning, maintenance and operation of power equipment, including work that affects the safety of capital construction facilities, including particularly dangerous and technically complex capital construction facilities.

Certificate of compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, and national standards GOST R ISO 14001-2016 and GOST R ISO 45001-2020.

Certificate of attestation of the laboratory of non-destructive testing and acoustic emission diagnostics:

Certificate of Competence of the Laboratory of Destructive Testing:

Accreditation Certificates of Environment Protection and Industrial Sanitation Laboratory (Centre), Power Equipment Testing Laboratory (Centre) and CGPP Chemical Laboratory

Scope of Accreditation oblast-akkreditacii-isp.laboratorii.pdf [1.24 Mb] (downloads: 57)

Scope of Accreditation icyeo-obl.ak..pdf [3.19 Mb] (downloads: 54)

changes in the scope of accreditation, 2017 izmeneniya-v-oblasti-akkreditacii-2017.pdf [2.3 Mb] (downloads: 48)

changes in the scope of accreditation, 2019 izmeneniya-v-oblasti-akkreditacii-2019.pdf [727.4 Kb] (downloads: 47)

Testing Center Accreditation Certificate. The Certificate was issued by the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom":

JSC "NPO CKTI" has proven its competency as a testing laboratory (centre) within INTERGAZCERT system:

Область аккредитации: [attachment=11327]

Scope of Activities oblast-deyatelnosti-isp-centra.pdf [771.77 Kb] (downloads: 50)

Licenses for various activities:

  • Construction of equipment for nuclear installations (facilities where or in relation to which activities are carried out: nuclear power plants);
  • License to carry out industrial safety expertise (industrial safety expertise of technical devices used at a hazardous production facility, in cases established by article 7 of the Federal law "on industrial safety of hazardous production facilities");
  • License to carry out activities in the field of using ionizing radiation sources (generating) (except if these sources are used in medical activities);
  • License for the right to conduct educational activities in educational programs, professional training programs;
  • License to operate explosive and chemically hazardous production facilities of hazard classes I, II and III;
  • License to perform works using information constituting a state secret;
  • License to carry out activities in the field of Hydrometeorology and related fields (with the exception of the specified activities carried out during engineering surveys carried out for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects), which includes: b) determining the level of water pollution;
  • License to operate nuclear installations;
  • The license for decommissioning of nuclear installations.

Annex: SE-11-101-4263 from 14.04.2017) prilozhenie-k-licenzii-11-101-4263ot-14.04.2017.pdf [181.38 Kb] (downloads: 55)

Annex: DE-00-008446 from 05.03.2008 prilozhenie-lic-yepb.pdf [429.37 Kb] (downloads: 54)

Annex:  R / 2018 / 3514/ 100/ L prilozhenie-k-licenzii-p-2018-3514-100-l.pdf [30.17 Kb] (downloads: 51)

Certificate of accreditation of JSC "NPO CKTI" as an expert organization of type C in accordance with GOST R ISO/IEC 17020-2012 "conformity Assessment. Requirements for the work of various types of inspection bodies and SDA-11-2009 "Requirements for expert organizations":

Certificate of compliance with GOST RV 0015-002-2012:

Certificate of registration of an electrical laboratory with the right to perform tests and (or) measurements of electrical equipment and (or) electrical installations up to and above 1000V:

Annex: [attachment=5571]

Certificate of compliance with the requirements of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping as a Firm engaged in: diagnostic devices, installations, machinery, equipment, hull structures and other items of technical supervision:

Documents on Renewal of the certificate of accreditation of the power equipment Testing center (PETC) JSC "NPO CKTI" and the reduction of the scope of accreditation:

certificate with the annex:svid-vo-rosmorreg-rasudoxodstva.pdf [2.45 Mb] (downloads: 52)

annex: vozobnovlenie-akkreditacii-rosakreditaciya.pdf [998.06 Kb] (downloads: 50)

annex: sokrashhenie-akkreditacii.pdf [939.59 Kb] (downloads: 52)